Lab 11

  1. Develop a click sound. It should have a maximum amplitude of 0.5.

  2. Develop the click-track function, that accepts an interval (in frames) and a number of measures n, and produces a "click track" containing n clicks, spaced at the specified interval. You may wish to use rsound-append* and make-silence and times for this.

  3. Use rsound-read/clip to read in the first 60 seconds of a song of your choosing. Use rsound->signal/left and clip&volume to reduce the volume of the song to 0.5.

  4. Using rsound-overlay*, overlay the click track on the song. Adjust the interval until the beats are aligned with the measures of the song. You may also need to append some silence to the beginning of the click track to get the sounds to line up.

  5. Develop the measure->frame function that accepts a number n and returns the frame corresponding to the nth measure.

  6. Develop the nth-beat function that accepts a number n and uses rsound-clip to return the portion of the song corresponding to the nth measure.

  7. Develop the rearrange/l function that accepts a list of numbers and returns a list containing the measures specified by the list. Use the standard list template for this function.

  8. Develop the rearrange function that accepts a list of numbers and returns a single rsound containing the appended rsounds corresponding to the specified measures. Hint: Use the function that you just developed.