1 Join the Mailing List
2 Warmup
3 Make a new sound
4 Make a Google Sites Account
5 Make a Soundcloud Account

Lab 2: Making Some Noises

1 Join the Mailing List

Following the instructions on the syllabus / course web page


... request an add to the course mailing list.

2 Warmup

Do exercises 2 and 3 from section 2.1 of HtDP 2e.

3 Make a new sound

find a song online (for instance, check out freemusicarchive.org).

Download it.

Change it into a WAV file (I’m *sure* you can do this on Linux).

Start DrRacket

Make sure you’re in the "Beginning Student With List Abbreviations" language.

Start your program with

  (require rsound)

Use rsound functions to extract a chunk of the sound and play it:

  read-rsound : string -> rsound
  write-rsound : rsound string -> (void)
  play-rsound : rsound -> (void)
  rsound-clip : rsound number number -> rsound
  rsound-append* : (listof rsound) -> rsound
When you’ve got something mildly amusing, write it to disk.

4 Make a Google Sites Account

Create a google account (if you don’t already have one) Use sites.google.com to create a new site for this class, and add it to the google doc mentioned in the first mailing list posting.

5 Make a Soundcloud Account

Next, you need some way to store and share the music that you create in this class. I personally recommend setting up an account with soundcloud.com, who will store and share your music and who have a nice paste-able javascript soundplayer widget that you can stick in your google sites page.

After signing up, upload the short piece of music that you created earlier on.

After it’s uploaded, get the javascript for an embeddable version of the sound, and paste it into your google sites page, using the HTML entry method.