1 Sound operators

Lab 4: A few functions

Here’s a simple program that plays a note:

  (require rsound)
  (require rsound/utils)
  ; given a note, produce a sound containing a pure 1-second tone
  (define (note pitch)
    (make-tone pitch 0.1 44100 44100))
  (play-rsound (note 440))

This program defines a new function, note, that saves us the trouble of typing make-tone over and over again.

First, use the note function to define a short song. Perhaps "Mary Had a Little Lamb?"

Next, define a new function, arpeggio, that accepts a pitch and produces a new sound that plays the given pitch, then a note a major third above it, then the note a fifth above it, then the octave.

This is nice, but the length of the note is fixed. Define a note/d function that accepts both a pitch and a duration, and produces a sound playing the given note for the given number of frames.

Now, define arpeg/d that is like arpeggio but also accepts a duration.

Use these new operators to play a song.

If you finish, ask me for more!

1 Sound operators

Here are the sound operators we know about:

  read-rsound : string -> rsound
  write-rsound : rsound string -> (void)
  play-rsound : rsound -> (void)
  rsound-clip : rsound number number -> rsound
  rsound-append* : (listof rsound) -> rsound