Assignment 1, CSC430, Winter 2014 – Research Summary
1 Written Summary
2 5-Minute Presentation
3 Additional Discussion
4 Examples
5 Submission Procedures

Assignment 1, CSC430, Winter 2014 – Research Summary

The slides, summary, and references will be submitted via PolyLearn, unless we think of a better way.

1 Written Summary

In this assignment you are writing an executive summary of your thesis research area, with supporting references. The summary must be no longer than one single-spaced 10-point-font page, including title lines, keywords, summary body, and bibliography.

The summary must cover these points:
  • A general description of the area, including why it’s interesting.

  • A discussion of the major developments in the area, in chronological order.

  • Interspersed references to the most relevant work in the area, including what you believe to be the seminal work (if such work is readily identifiable).

Preceding the summary, supply two to five keywords for your area, in order of more to less relevant. Use the ACM keyword taxonomy to choose your keywords. For the references, provide at least five, and no more than eight, highly relevant references from the literature. The references must be cited appropriately in your executive summary and compiled in a bibliography. Use CACM format for both the citations and bibliography entries. Major criteria for the relevance of a reference are how frequently it is cited by researchers in the area, and how positively researchers refer to it.

Your summary page must contain a title (e.g. "An Executive Summary of Research in ..."), your name, the date, a

An Executive Summary of Research in My Area

William Sessions

January 79, 2078

Keywords: ...

Body of the executive summary


ACM-formatted bibliography

In a separate plain-text file, supply your cited references in BibTex format.

2 5-Minute Presentation

During the Week 4 class period, you will give a brief oral presentation of your thesis work. The content of the presentation is based on your written summary. Since you have only 5 minutes for the presentation, you will not have time for a lot of detail. Your presentation should focus on identifying your topic and describing what is interesting about it. You can discuss some historical background and related work, but you will not have time to get into these topics as deeply as they are covered in the written summary. The presentation has at most four slides and can last no more than 5 minutes.

Your first slide must contain the title of your thesis topic, your name, and your advisor’s name.

3 Additional Discussion

As you work on your summary, look for the following:

To obtain some useful guidance on these topics, consult with your thesis advisor and other faculty in the CSC department with research interests in your area. As a general courtesy, please visit the faculty during their regular office hours, unless you meet with them at other times on a regular basis.

For your presentation, you can think of it as follows: Suppose you’re walking across campus, and a friend of yours from CSC asks “So, what are you doing for your thesis?” You have a few minutes to tell your friend about your work, as you’re walking to your next class. (You’re also both wearing heads-up display glasses, with wireless connection to the 590 wiki, so your friend can see your slides as you walk.)

4 Examples

An example summary appears at ./assignment1-example.pdf .

Here’s an example .bib file: ./assignment1-example.bib .

5 Submission Procedures

Submit the following three items to the polylearn page:

These are due on the night before the presentations, at 11:00 PM.