Assignment 2, csc431, Fall 2019
1 Goal
2 Input Language
3 Output Language
4 Implementation strategy
5 Running it
6 Testing
7 Demo
8 Submission
9 Test cases
10 Scoring

Assignment 2, csc431, Fall 2019

1 Goal

Develop a compiler for a simple language with two operations and variable bindings.

2 Input Language

Your input language should be the s-expression-based R1 language of Siek & Newton.

3 Output Language

Your output language should be x86_64 assembly using the Intel assembly style, suitable for compilation by nasm.

4 Implementation strategy

You should compile your source into assembly by implementing the compiler stages of chapter 2. Simple!

Specifically, your compiler should include representations for the R1, C0, and x86_0 languages, as shown in figure 2.8. It should be able to stop after any of the steps in compilation, and write the result to a file.

5 Running it

Let’s give our project a name. It will be called... blungentle. Why not?

It should be possible to run your compiler using a blungentle binary or shell script.

For now, let’s keep it simple, and insist on accepting the name of an input file and an output file:

blungentle <opt-flags> <input> <output>

If no flag is specified, the result should be an assembly file compilable with nasm. If "-r" is specified, it should be a file containing an s-expression representing the result of the compilation after the "remove-complex-opera*" pass (that is, the last "R" pass). If "-c" is specified, the file should contain the result of the last "c" level pass, "uncover-locals".

You’re welcome to add additional flags to represent the output of other passes, if you like.

6 Testing

You need to have some kind of testing framework, both for unit tests and for integration tests. That is, you should be able to start a test run and receive a complete report on which tests succeeded and failed.

7 Demo

Your team will need to demo this project during lab on October 7.

8 Submission

You’ll also need to submit the project, by pushing it to a github repository.

9 Test cases

10 Scoring

The functionality will be broken into tiers, as follows:

  1. (4 pts) simple numbers

  2. (4 pts) simple operators

  3. (2 pts) nested arithmetic operators

  4. (2 pts) (read)

  5. (1 pt) nested arithmetic operators + (read)

  6. (2 pts) let + nested arithmetic operators

  7. (1 pt) let + nested arithmetic operators + (read)