Lab 4


Finish prior labs. Ask questions.


Crucial DrScheme tips Part 3:

DrScheme has a really nice documentation system. You should figure out how to use it.

  1. Start up Firefox. You don’t absolutely have to do this first, but it makes everything else go faster.

  2. Start DrScheme. *IN EITHER WINDOW*, type "map". Without the quotes. Hit the F1 key. Firefox should open, with a bunch of choices.

  3. Click on the word "map" in the first entry. Voila! Documentation!

Use this all the time.


Develop the parser, parse-AE, that we wrote at the end of class. Make sure to include test cases so that you know that it works.

Then, develop the one-line parse-eval, that accepts an s-expression and calls the parser and then the eval function from the last lab.

Time left? Write foldl.